The Tooth Fairy

Year released: 22 January 2010

Main actors: Dwayne Johnson, Ashley Judd, Stephen Merchant, Ryan Sheckeler, Seth Mcfarlane, Julie Andrews

Director: Micheal Lembeck


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Synopsis: Derek Thompson is ‘The Tooth Fairy,’ a hard-charging minor league hockey player whose nickname comes from his habit of knocking people’s teeth out. When Derek tells a child that tooth fairies are not real, he’s sentenced to one week’s hard labour as a real tooth fairy, complete with the requisite tutu, wings and magic wand. At first, Derek “can’t handle the tooth” – bumbling and stumbling as he tries to furtively wing his way through strangers’ homes…doing what tooth fairies do. But as Derek slowly adapts to his new position, he begins to rediscover his own forgotten dreams.

Review: It was an awesome and funny movie. A fairy tale is used and made into an actual movie which is very good and is what makes it an exciting movie. They also have hilarious characters, Overall this is a great movie for people of all ages.

Rating: 5/5

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